Implementation of ‘VIP’ Policy inside the PNTL
A Civil Society Perspective
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), December 29th 2015
Press Release
This report will explain the implementation of police patterns that have been adopted by the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL). The PNTL model encompasses the philosophy of community policing through a doctrine called ‘VIP’—Visibility, Involvement, and Professionalism. The visibility of police makes the community feel secure, involvement in the community makes an active participant in security progress, and professionalism from police services can assure and build confidence from the community.
The implementation of VIP does not break down along unit, departmental, service and section lines, but instead applies to the PNTL’s approach inside the institutiton with communities across Timor-Leste. Views have been posited that community policing standards have only been conducted by the community policing department and village police officers (OPS), that have been placed in villages to work closely with the local community. The doctrine of the PNTL mandates that all members of the PNTL must obey and apply policing rules as characteristic action in PNTL operations.
The visibility of police with community partners establishes relationships within the community, and involvement in the community establishes a layer of security and safety in which community members can feel actively participatory. The communities’ trust in such services is necessary in supporting the development of the PNTL’s professionalism and maintaining security, public order and tranquility amongst the communities, even while the institution continues to grow and adapt to implementation of the ‘VIP’ philosophy.
The PNTL continues to face difficulties related to proper facilities and support for effective services for local communities. Meanwhile, the performances of PNTL members often lack the professionalism expected of national police forces, raising concerns from local citizens of the quality of policing. FM believes that by implementing the PNTL strategic plan 2014-2018 to adapt five (5) strategic purposes in areas including legislation, training, administration, discipline, and operations, will greatly improve the professional services of the PNTL.
1. The National Parliament Committee B continues supervising the implementation of the PNTL strategic plan 2014-2018.
2. Ministry of the Interior, PNTL General Command through the Cabinet for Inspection and Audits (GIA), and General Inspector of the PNTL continue to make inspections and assessments of policing services, and identify necessities and difficulties faced by PNTL in the goal of realizing those strategic purposes that have been defined in the PNTL Strategic Plan 2014-2018.
3. Ministry of the Interior and PNTL General Command continue investing in human resources and support for facilities in order to continue to improve police services, which have recently received praise in local communities.
4. The entire public facilitate the recent services conducted by the PNTL through ‘VIP,’ and continue to support constructive opinions to encourage improvement in professional services.
For more details on this issue please consult the following:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184