Lideransa nasaun Timor-Leste nian halo ona esteimentu barak no loron-loron kona-bá atu aperta siguransa bá trafiku droga no krime organizadu seluk sira iha Timor-Leste. Iha fulan hirak liu bá, trafiku droga internasional uza Timor-Leste tama hanesan zona tranzitu liu husi Aero-Portu no ita nia rai ketan ho Indonezia. Dala ruma mos trafikantes droga nian atravesa mai Timor-Leste liu husi Fronteira Maritima nian.
Kona-bá isu ida ne’e, Sekretariu Estadu Defeza ( SED) Dr Julio Tomas Pinto sita husi Jornal Diariu Nasional (pg.7. 17/12/2012) dehan katak “monta forsa F-FDTL tau iha liña dahuluk Fronteira atu halo kombate bá rede droga nia”.
Esteitmentu ida ne’e, hanesan deklarasaun funu hasoru droga iha Timor-Leste. Maibé, molok hahu deskuite kona-bá asuntu ne’e, ita tenki uza referensia no esperensias husi nasaun balun, hanesan Mexico ne’ebé lansa funu hasoru droga no krime seluk sira.
Kona-bá asuntu ida ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein lakohi hola pozisaun atu tau militar iha Fronteira ka lae atu kombate droga. Fundasaun Mahein hakarak hato’o opsaun balun husi esperensia sira iha Meksico husi aspeitu vantazen ho dis-vantazen nian kona-bá tau military iha area Fronteira hahu iha 2006.
Vantazen nian:
• Haforsa postu revista nian no patrolla bá dalan sira ne’ebé iha, nomós halo check point no ajuda polisia sira iha area Fronteira.
• Droga ho hahalok aat sira sei tun, no iha biban haforsa lei ho orden sei la’o normal ho diak.
• Koperasaun ho Indonezia la’o ho diak tanba sei uza rekursu humanu ho efisiensia ho efikas iha Fronteira, nasaun rua nian.
Desvantazen nian:
• Iha biban boot atu hamosu violasaun direitus ema nian ho tatika no lala’ok militar ho maka’as, no bele mosu laiha transparante Fronteira.
• Haforsa no hari’i lei ho orden sei overlap kona-bá papel militar ho Polísia nian biban boot mosu iha Fronteira.
• Konfuzaun kona-bá papel nian ne’ebé lalos nia iha biban boot sei akontese.
• Polísia senti la’os sai ajente bá hari’i lei ho orden iha komunidade nia let tanba iha orgaun seluk mak halo.
• Hahalok át no vandalismu sei muda an husi fatin seluk iha area Timor-Leste, depois de militar sira dezloka bá fatin seluk no dezlokasaun militar nian sei neneik no komplikadu.
• Isu foun sei mosu iha komunidade nia leet depois militar monta iha sira nia sukus ka areas.
• Iha tetantiva bá membru F-FDTL bele biban hetan rekruta husi trafikantes droga nian tanba salariu ki’ik no benefisiu seluk ladun sufsente. Trafikantes barak los iha Mexico sai mos militar husi forsa armada Mexico nian.
Pontus sira ne’e mak importante tebes ne’ebé persiza konsidera husi esperensias iha Mexico mak tuir mai ne’e:
• Objeitovu importante mak mantein flesibilidade atu monta militar ho rapidu no efetivu bá fatin tarjetu sira wainhira violensia mosu.
• Krime Organizadu sira ne’ebé iha ligasaun ho transaksaun droga nian hafahe husi lala’ok politiku lokal nian.
• Funu hasoru trafikantes droga nian tenki haboot. Estadu ho nia sidadaun sira tenki ijize bá ema sira ne’ebé sosa droga tenki hapara. Nune’e mos ema sira ne’ebé hatama kilat bá rai laran tenki hapara.
• Haruka sasan konstrukasaun nian bá area sira ne’ebé hetan problema dezastre naturais no kria oportunidade ekonomia ki’ik hodi troka bá transaksaun droga nian.
Depois pontus sira iha leten ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda bá Parlementu Nasional atu halo lei ida kona-bá tratamentu funu hasoru droga ho krimi orgaizadu seluk, iha kontekstu espesifiku Timor-Leste nian.
Buat ida importante los atu konsidera maka’as mak iha biban boot membru F-FDTL ho TNI bele desputa bá trafikante droga nian. Tanba hare’e bá militar rai rua ne’e nia salariu ho benefisius sira seluk ladun sufisiente. Iha oportunidade barak nomós tentiva nu’udar frakeza ida bele monu bá manobra trafikante droga nian, bele akontese.
Nune’e mos, atividades sira ne’ebé iha relasaun bá anti-droga nian ne’ebe involve militar F-FDTL sei oportunidade boot atu haforsa kapasidade Polísia nu’udar forsa ne’ebé hamrik iha liña dahuluk nian iha komunidade nia leet. Ida ne’e mos oportunidade diak mos atu haforsa Polisia oinsa bele hatene no halo kombate kona-bá tipu krime organizadu hanesan fase osan, trafiku humanu nian.
Atu diak liu, ita kontinua demiliteriza Fronteira, no dezenvolve Fronteira sai zona paz nian. Tanba ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda bá lider nasaun nian atu hanoin hikas ho diak kona-bá tau militar iha Fronteira?
The Military and the War On Drugs : “Lessons from Mexico”
The state leaders of Timor-Leste make statements every day about the need tighten security measures against drug trafficking and other organized crimes. In the past several months, Timor-Leste has become an international drug trafficking zone through our international airport and our land border with Indonesia. There may also be some drug trafficking through our maritime border.
On this issue, yesterday the State Secretary of Defense (SED) Dr. Julio Tomas Pinto was quoted (Jornal Nacional Diario pg.7. 17 Dec.2012) as saying that Timor-Leste will deploy the army to the border area to combat drug traffickers and networking.
This statement is a kind of declaration of a war against drugs in Timor-Leste. However, before we continue on this path, we must reference the experiences of other countries abroad, like Mexico, that have also engaged in a war against drugs.
Fundasaun Mahein has no position on the efforts to place military troops in the border areas to combat drug traffickers. We would like to offer a list of Advantages and Disadvantages to this plan as discovered by the country of Mexico, which has deployed military troops in different Mexican states since 2006.
• Increased manpower to man checkpoints, patrol streets, and support local police.
• Drug-related violence decreases due to increased law enforcement presence.
• If work with Indonesia, bilateral cooperation could use resources more efficiently on both sides of the border
• Increased risk of human rights abuses through military tactics – heavy-handed measures that lack transparency.
• Law enforcement breakdown from overlapping roles between the military and the police.
• Confusion stems from roles that are not clearly defined.
• Police feel they do not have to enforce community laws because somebody else is doing it.
• Violence just shifts to another area of Timor-Leste as soon as troops are deployed to another area, as military deployments are slow-moving and cumbersome.
• New community issues arise for an area after troops arrive.
• Members of the F-FDTL may easily be recruited to work for drug traffickers as their current salaries are very low. Many of the most vicious drug traffickers in Mexico were formally part of the Mexican military.
Points to Consider from the Experience in Mexico :
• Aim to maintain flexibility to deploy troops rapidly and effectively to targeted areas whenever violence surges.
• Keep the organized crime associated with drug trafficking out of local politics.
• The war must be fought against more than drug traffickers. The country with the people demanding and buying drugs must stop those citizens. The country with the people providing weapons must intercept these weapons.
• Send development aid to hard-hit areas – create other economic opportunities aside from drug trafficking.
After these points, Fundasaun Mahein recommends that parliament make laws against drugs and organized crime, considering the specific context of Timor-Leste.
It is especially important to consider if the members of the F-FDTL and TNI will end up fighting for the drug traffickers. Both the F-FDTL and TNI salaries are very low. A lot of opportunities for defection to the side of the drug traffickers will be created.
Also, these anti-drug activities – with or without the F-FDTL military involvement – would be a good chance to strengthen the ability of the police to the first line of defense against all sorts of community crime. This is a good opportunity to empower the police against other types of organized crimes including money laundering and human trafficking by reinforcing their skills to combat these issues.
It would be good if we could continue de-militarization of the border area, and keep the border as a peace zone. Therefore, Fundasaun Mahein asks to the leaders of this country, how can we re-think the military deployment to the border area?
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