KOK-HANITA Ignora Regra Empeñamentu

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Hafoin insidenti boot ida iha Baguia loron 8 fulan Marsu tinan 2015 no insidenti seluk uluk hasoru autoridade Estadu no estraga bens públiku no komunidade nian. Governu hola medida rezolusaun ida tuir Konstitusaun RDTL alinea d) N.o 1 artigu 115 kona-bá kompetensia Governu nian hodi asegura orden públika no desiplina sosial. Nune’e Rezolusaun N.o11/2015, 11 de Março ne’ebé Konsellu Ministru hasai nia misaun atu prevene no reprimir aktu kiminozu grupu ilegais nian. Impoin ba Governu no adopta medida atuasaun konjunta forsa defeza no siguransa tuir Lei N.o 2/2010, Lei Siguransa Nasional N.o 3) artigu 36 nia haruka.

Iha rezolusaun ne’e rasik husu aprova empeñamentu operasional konjuntu PNTL no F-FDTL atu prevene no reprimir aktu kriminozu grupu ilegal ne’ebé kauza instabilidade ba Nasaun, liu husi operasaun konjunta nia atuasaun uza forsa ho proporsional.

Nune’e iha loron tuir mai Konsellu Ministru hasai Rezolusaun Governu N.o12/2015 de 18 Marsu aprova Regra Empeñamentu Forsa-Tarefa iha loron 12 Marsu 2015. Hafoin konsulta ho Parlamentu Nasional no hato’o ba Prezidente Respúblika hodi ratifika. Regra Empeñamentu ne’e ratifika iha loron 17 Marsu 2015 hanesan Dekretu Prezidente Repúblika N.o4/2015 de 18 de Março.

Konsidera katak Regra Empeñamentu Forsa-Tarefa respeita ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sira sidadaun nian, direitus umanus no povu nian, prinsipiu legalidade, inklui norma sira husi direitu internasional maka vigor. Portantu Timor-Leste ratifika mos konvensaun importante sira hanesan Parlamentu Nasional ho Rezolusaun N.o 9/2003 de 17 de Setembru, Ratifika Konvensaun Kontra Tortura no Tratamentu Kruel, Desumanu ka Degradantes no aprova iha loron 10 Dezembru 2002. Inklui konvensaun seluk ne’ebé Timor-Leste ratifika ho rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasional N.o 18/2002 de 13 Dezembru, Ratifika Konvensaun Jenebra, Relativas Protesaun Vitima iha Konflitu Armadu no nia Protokolu Rua Adisional sira.

Tanba ne’e Regra Empeñamentu Forsa-Tarefa atua iha ambitu empeñamentu operasional konjuntu iha termu uzu forsa nu’udar previstu iha aritgu 7, Lei N.o 02/2010, de 21 de Abril, Lei Siguransa Nasional.

1. Uza forsa no ameasa atu uza forsa hosi Forsa Defeza no hosi Forsa no Servisu sira Seguransa sei hare’e, deit, ba Konstituisaun no lei iha vigor, liu-liu ba regra sira hosi Direitu Internasional mak hala’o iha Timor-Leste.

2. Uza forsa, ameasa atu uza forsa ka hala’o knar ho uza forsa sei hetan kontrolu, politiku no juridiku, hosi definisaun ba regra empeñamentu nian.

3. Regra sira empeñamentu nian ba forsa no ema mesak, iha nível hotu-hotu komandu nian, sei defini sirkunstansia, kondisaun, grau no forma, ne’ebé mak forsa ne’e bele uza.

4. Regra sira empeñamentu nian hakru’uk ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sira ema-sidadaun nian, direitu ema no povu nian, prinsipiu legalidade, liu-liu norma sira hosi direitu internasional mak iha vigor.

5. Regra sira empeñamentu tuir ho tipu kazu atu uza forsa nian, hosi entidade tomak mak forma Sistema Integradu ba Seguransa Nasional, ses hosi kazu lejitima defeza, ema mesak no atu halo protesaun ba forsa.

6. Regra sira empeñamentu ba FALINTIL-FDTL (F-FDTL) sei hato’o hosi Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral Forsa Armada (CEMGFA) no, ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), hosi Komandante-Jeral PNTL, hetan aprovasaun, iha kazu rua ne’e, hosi Konsellu Ministru no halo ratifikasaun hosi Prezidente Repúblika, uainhira envolve empeñamentu hosi F-FDTL.

Hodi komprimenta ba Regra Empeñamentu, antes ne’e FM nia relatoriu aviza tiha ona ba KOK-HANITA hodi hakruk ba regra ne’ebé aprova ona no lei sira seluk ne’ebé regula atuasaun sira husi forsa siguransa no defeza.

Nune’e operasaun la’o fulan tolu ona desde fulan Marsu tinan 2015. Elementu lubuk ida husi grupu ilegal entrega-an ba KOK-HANITA hodi prosesa tuir lei nia regula. Maske nune’e responsavel prinsipal husi grupu ne’e nian to’o agora seidauk hatene nian paradeiru no Estadu hasai ona millaun rua ba operasaun ne’e rasik.

Operasaun la’o dadaun akontese tan insidenti seluk iha loron 28 fulan Juñu tinan 2015 rezulta membru ida husi KOK-HANITA (F-FDTL) hetan kanek, deskonfia tiru husi grupu ilegal. Nune’e resposta ba insidenti ne’e, operasaun intensifika liu-tan (loron no kalan) iha area Laga – Baucau nian.

Hafoin akontesementu iha Laga loron 28 fulan Juñu tinan 2015, KOK–HANITA liu husi media nasional aviza sei hapara movimentu viaturas sira no submete ba pasa-revista iha area operasaun ba sidadaun hotu-hotu exeto titular orgaun soberania na’in haat, Komandante Jeral PNTL no Chefe Estado Maior Genral das F-FDTL.

Nune’e operasaun aperta liu-tan hasoru antigu Komandante Mauk Moruk ho nia grupu iha area ne’ebé deskonfia hanesan sira nia subar fatin. Situasaun iha area operasaun KOK-HANITA halo dadaun julgamentu iha fatin akontesementu. Insidenti fatal ida iha loron 2 fulan Jullu tinan 2015 rezultadu populasaun ida mate deskonfia tiru husi membru KOK-HANITA iha Postu Administrativu Baguia – Baucau.

Insidenti seluk husi KOK-HANITA halo agresaun hasoru Juis Tribunal Baucau nian ida iha dalan Dili ba Baucau, loron 28 fulan Juñu tinan 2015. Agresaun seluk hasoru médiku ida iha Suku Saelari Postu Administrativu Laga, loron 1 fulan Jullu tinan 2015 tanba deskonfia apoiu ai-moruk ba grupu Mauk Moruk nian. Iha kazu agresau hasoru médiku ida husi Saelari nian, memebru KOK-HANITA hato’o ba médiku no komunidade katak dadaun ne’e Estadu de-sitiu ka emerjensia.

Iha ne’e, FM konsidera atuasaun KOK-HANITA fora husi normalidade bázika. Portantu membru KOK-HANITA uza nia poder hodi hatete ba komunidade katak dadaun ne’e Estadu de-sitiu ka emerjensia hodi limite movimentu populasaun nian iha area operasaun. Maske Rezolusaun N.o 11/2015, 11 de Março, ne’ebé Konsellu Ministru hasai nia misaun atu prevene no reprimir aktu kiminozu grupu ilegais nian. La’os Estadu de-sitiu ka emerjensia.

Situasaun ida ne’e implika no hapara atividade sira iha komunidade. Nune’e FM nia monitorizasaun rejista eskola balu iha Postu Administrativu Laga merenda eskolar la halo tanba fos la iha. Portantu la admite movimentu ba Baucau-Vila hodi hola fos.

Enkuantu Postu Saúde Saelari taka provizoriu tanba médiku ne’ebé hetan agresaun husi membru KOK-HANITA halo hela tratamentu iha Laga-Vila. Maske membru KOK-HANITA deskonfia médiku refere apoiu ai-moruk ba grupu Mauk Moruk maibe durante ne’e médiku refere fo asistensia mediku ba KOK-HANITA iha area Saelari nian.

Situasaun seluk husi operasaun ne’e rasik membru KOK-HANITA la autoriza negosiante movel balu fa’an nesesidade báziku hanesan fos iha Postu Administrativu Laga. Tanba deskonfia komunidade balu apoiu lojistika ba grupu Mauk Moruk.

Antes ne’e KOK-HANITA aviza tiha ona katak komunidade tenki koopera. Enkuantu preokupasaun husi komunidade Postu Administrativu Laga, prezensa KOK-HANITA atu asegura siguransa ba komunidade ka hatauk komunidade ho agresaun no ameasa. Oinsa bele hetan kooperasaun diak husi komunidade?

Nune’e komunidade Suku Saelari Postu Administrativu Laga ne’ebé afetadu husi operasaun ne’e husu atu refujia ba fatin seluk ne’ebé livre hodi fo espasu ba KOK-HANITA halo operasaun. Preokupasaun ida ne’e membru Parlamentu Nasional foti maka’as iha plenaria tanba komunidade inosente sai vitima ba operasaun ne’e rasik


Ho ida ne’e FM konsidera atuasaun KOK-HANITA ignora Regra Empeñamentu, lei no konvensaun sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste ratifika. Tanba ne’e FM rekomenda:

• Prezidente Repúblika iha nia kualidade nu’udar Komandante Supremu Forsa Armada aviza ba KOK-HANITA tenki komprimenta ba Regra Empeñamentu tuir rezolusaun ne’ebé Governu hasai ona no hetan ratifikasaun husi Prezidente Repúblika. Tanba vitima husi komunidade kontinua aumenta no rezulta balu mate nu’udar kauza husi operasaun KOK-HANITA.

• Lider nasional sira hamutuk ho relijioza sira aproxima antigu Komandante Mauk Moruk ho dalan pasifika no dialogu. Nune’e bele hametin unidade nasional.

• Antigu Komandante Mauk Moruk entrega-an ba Estadu hodi kolabora ho justisa.

• Ministériu Públiku atu investiga no prosesa kazu hirak ne’ebé komete husi membru KOK-HANITA durante operasaun.

• KOK-HANITA tenki investiga no aplika prosesu disiplinar ba membru sira ne’ebé komete infrasaun disiplinar durante operasaun, hanesan deklarasaun ne’ebé hato’o ona husi Porta-voz KOK-HANITA.

KOK-HANITA Ignores the Appointment Rules

After the incident that took place in Baguia on 8 March 2015 and a revious incident that damaged public and communities’ possessions the government of Timor-Leste issued a resolution; according to the RDTL constitution line d) No. 1 article 115 about the government competency to secure public order and social discipline. The resolution No. 11/2015, was issued on March 11 by the Council of Minister to prevent criminal acts committed by illegal groups. Impose to the government adopts a joint action of defense and security force according to the law No 2/2010, the national security law No.3) of article 36 order.

Based on the resolution itself is approved the joint operational appointment of the PNTL and F-FDTL in order to prevent and repress criminal acts of the illegal group that intends to create instability for the country, through the joint operation’s action should use force proportionally.

Regarding this the Council of Ministers issued a further government resolution No. 12/2015 on March 18 which approved the appointment rules to the F-FDTL on 12 March 2015, after consulting with the National Parliament and informed to the Republic President for further rectifying. This appointment rule was rectified on the 17th March 2015 as a decree of the Republic President No. 4/2015 on March 18.

These appointment rules to the force/division were designed to respect the rights, freedom, guarantee citizens’ human rights, legal rights and correspond to international norms. Timor-Leste has as well rectified some important conventions such as the National Parliament with the resolution No.9/2003 September 17 which updated the definitions of the convention against torture and cruel treatment, inhuman or degrading acts, which was approved on 10 December 2002 and also updated the regulations protecting the relatives of victims from army conflict.

Therefore, the appointment rules of force-division that were put into action in the appointment of the joint operations for using force as mentioned on the article 7 of the law No. 02/2010, April 21 of the National Security Law.

1. Using force and threats by the defense force the security service will be in accordance with the constitution and the Convention of International Human Rights that apply in Timor-Leste.

2. Using force or the threat of force to control, policy and juridical from the definition of the performance rules.

3. Rules of the commitment for force and people, in all levels of the commander, will define the circumstance, condition, rank and forms which were used by these forces.

4. Rules of the commitment are conform to right, liberty and ensure the citizens and/people rights, the legal principle, particularly norms of rights from the International which already applied.

5. Rules of commitment is according to the type of force from the overall entity is forming the integrate system for the national security, which is away from the defense case, only people and do protection for force.

6. Rules of commitment for the FALINTIL-FDTL (F-FDTL) will be presented by the chief state major general of the army force and the national police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) by the PNTL general command, approval, on these two cases of the council of minister and made rectifying from the republic president while involve the performance from the F-FDTL.

To obey the appointment rules, FM on its “Mahein Nia Lian 99” report has demanded that KOK-HANITA obey the approval rules and other laws that regulate acts of defense and security forces.

The operation has been ongoing for the past three months since March 2015 and some members of the illegal group “Maubere Revolutionary Council” (KRM) have already surrendered to KOK-HANITA for further processing. Despite this the main objectives of this operation to find the group’s leader, Mauk Moruk, has not yet been achieved depsite the state spending 2 million dollars (US) on this operation so far.

While the operation is ongoing an incident took place on 28 June 2015, where a member of KOK-HANITA was wounded, shot in the leg by a suspected member of the KRM. Because of that incident the operation has intensified (days and nights) in the Laga area of Baucau.

After the incident (on 28 June 2015 in Laga), KOK-HANITA on national media announced a stop to public transport movements and started holding check points in the operational area to all citizens except for those involved in the operation itself.

The operation is trying ever harder to find the former commander Mauk Moruk and his group in areas suspected to have hidden. This however has corresponded with an increase in violence with a fatal incident taking place on 2nd of July 2015 when a resident of Baguia was shot dead by a suspected member of the KOK-HANITA operation.

Another incident of KOK-HANITA operations in the area was the use of physical aggression against a judge of the Baucau court on the way from Dili to Baucau on 28 June 2015. There has also been the use of aggression against the medical staff in the Saelari village of Laga on 1 July 2015 as it was suspected that they support the group of Mauk Moruk. Regarding this last case in Saelari, members of KOK-HANITA informed all medical staffs and residents that there is currently a state of siege or emergency to justify their actions.

Here, FM considers the actions of KOK-HANITA are out of proportion and defy the regulations they have been given, as members of KOK-HANITA use physical power and intimidation and limiting peoples movement under the justification that the area is in a state of siege or emergency. However, according to the resolution No.11/2015 March 11, issued by the Council of Minister the purpose of this operation is to prevent and repress the criminal acts from illegal group and is not a declaration of a state of siege or emergency.

These situations have impeded to residents’ activities, FM’s monitoring noted that some schools in Laga does not going well, because KOK-HANITA forbade residents there not going to Baucau for buying rice or other necessities.

Meanwhile, the medical post in Saelari has been temporarily closed due to the medical staff that got assaulted by a member of KOK-HANITA is being treated in Laga. KOK-HANITA suspected that this medical staff supported medical assistance to Mauk Moruk when in fact this staff has only provided medical assistance to KOK-HANITA in Saelari area as well.

Apart from that, members of KOK-HANITA has not authorized businessmen to sell basic necessities such as rice in Laga, as they suspect some residents are providing logistic assistances for Mauk Moruk. This has put extra strain on the residents of the area to lead a normal life and buy the necessities of life.

So far, KOK-HANITA told people to cooperate, however the people of Laga are unsure whether the KOK-HANITA presence in their area is to make them more secure or to threaten and intimidate them. How can cooperation from the community be secured under these conditions?

So far the answer to this is no. The people of Saelari-Laga who have been affected by this operation have been asked evacuate to another area so the KOK-HANITA can be free to carry out their operation. These concern have been strongly debated by the national parliament members as these innocent people have become victims of the joint operation, however so far no action has been forthcoming.


Regarding such situations, FM considers KOK-HANITA’s acts have ignored the appointment rule, law and conventions that have been rectified by Timor-Leste; FM recommends:

• The President of the Republic act as a supreme commander of the army to call on KOK-HANITA to obey the appointment rule according to resolutions that have been issued by the government, and rectified by the President; because victims are increasing and more people are dying as a result of KOK-HANITA operation.

• National leaders together with religious figures to approach the former commander Mauk Moruk in a peaceful way and create dialogue in order to strengthen the national unity.

• The old former commander Mauk Moruk to give up and contribute for justice.

• Public ministry to investigate and process cases that have been committed by members of KOK-HANITA during the operation.

• KOK-HANITA should investigate and apply disciplinary processes for members who committed discipline infractions, such as a declaration that is reported by the spokesperson of KOK-HANITA.

1 thought on “KOK-HANITA Ignora Regra Empeñamentu”

  1. Hau usu ba sr. lere kualia didiak keta ho nervosu, tmb lei mk agr regula ita, hanesan sr kualia dehan ajela ba ita railiur, etau ita bele analiza kata ema nb uluk la gosta ukun haan, no oho ami nia maun sr ami mos hakarak duni htu, tmb politika ajela sai, no uluk sr mos oho ami nia pai maun, feto sr mos sai husi timor tmb ami mos la gosta atu hare sr nia oin iha timor. viva vequeque oan

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