Politika Implementasaun Polisiamentu Komunitariu iha Timor-Leste

Politika Implementasaun Polisiamentu Komunitariu iha Timor-Leste post thumbnail image
(Foto: Spesial)

(Foto: PNTL)

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 30 Jullu 2015
Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nu. 08 (Versaun Tetum) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá Polisiamentu komunitaria mai ho nia istoria naruk desde insituisaun PNTL harii ho evolusaun ne’ebé la’o no matenek ne’ebé aprende husi rai seluk. Polisiamentu komunitaria hanesan filosofia PNTL nian no nia aplikasaun la hare ba unidade, departamentu ka seksaun no serbisu sira maibe ba membru PNTL hotu-hotu hala’o Polisiamentu Komunitaria. Maske nune’e sei iha interpretasaun ne’ebé diferente husi membru PNTL sira katak, Polisiamentu Komunitaria hala’o husi Departamentu Polisia Komunitaria Nasional. Siginifika katak durante ne’e seidauk iha sosializasaun ne’ebé diak kona-bá Lei Organika PNTL nian no Planu Estratejiku PNTL.

Polisiamentu komunitaria sai hanesan prioridade iha PEDN 2030, Planu Estratejiku Siguransa Interna 2030, Polítika Governu nian no Planu Estratejiku PNTL 2014 – 2018. Iha Planu Estratejiku PNTL 2014 – 2018 nia modelu polisiamentu HAKOAK filozofia Polisiamentu Komunitariu, liu husi adopta doutrina VIP – Vizibilidade, Involvementu no Profesionalismu.

Nune’e PNTL dezenvolve ona rekursu prinsipal ida iha komunidade iha asaun sira siguransa iha pratika Polisiamentu Komunitaria. Rekursu siguransa ne’ebé PNTL ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira estabelese ona maka hanesan Konsellu Dirativa Nasiona (KDN) iha nivel nasional no nia kompozisaun mai husi Ministériu ne’ebé responsavel ba siguransa no Komandante Jeral PNTL iha nivel polítika no estratejiku.

Kompozisaun Konsellu Jestaun ba Programa (KJP) nian mai husi Xefe Departamentu Polisia Komunitaria Nasional hamutuk ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira no lidera husi Segundu Komandante Jeral PNTL.

Estrutura iha nível munisipiu ho naran KDD. Kompozisaun KDD mai husi Komandante Munisipiu, Administradór Munsipiu, Departamentu Interligadus ne’ebé kompostu iha área administrativu munisipiu nian no estabelese ona iha munisipiu 11.

Iha nível implementasaun atividade estratejiku kompostu husi KPK (Konsellu Polisia Komintariu), SV (Seguransa Voluntariu), OPS (Official Police suku) no OPE . Atividade estratejiku hirak ne’e dezenvolve ona iha serbisu sira iha komunidade no involve komunidade sira sai na’in ba asaun sira siguransa nian. KPK estabelese ona iha suku 10 husi munisipiu 11 no total KPK hamutuk 110. SV estabelese ona iha suku 2 husi Munisipiu Ermera no Viqueque. OPS koloka ona iha suku 410 husi munisipiu 12 no Rejiaun Oe-cusse no OPE estabelese ona iha eskola 12 iha Munisipiu Dili.

Maske nune’e sei iha difikuldade pertenente ida husi implementasaun Polisiamentu Komunitaria. Premeiru, baze legal ba KPK no SV; Sigundu, monitorizasaun ba KPK no SV; Terseiru, kondisaun OPS iha suku, la iha hela fatin, transporte, komunikasaun no fasilidade seluk siguransa nian. Inklui kooperasaun insituisional entre instituisaun Governu no sosiedade sivil sira. Iha ne’ebé serbisu ba asuntu hanesan, husi insituisaun ka organizasaun diferente, involve ema ne’ebé hanesan, iha suku ne’ebé hanesan iha instituisaun Estadu nian ida deit.

Pontu prinsipal ida dadaun ne’e komponente tomak preokupa maka sustentabilidade implementasaun Polisiamentu Komunitaria iha Timor-Leste wainhira parseiru sira nia tulun ramata. FM fiar katak ida ne’e opurtunidade ba Governu Timor-Leste atu kontinua tanba serbisu hirak ne’e lori ona benefisiu ba komunidade. Premeiru, marka ona vizibilidade polisia nia iha komunidade no involve komunidade hanesan na’in ba asaun sira siguransa no hatan ho profesionalismu husi PNTL. Sigundu, redus númeru konflitu no krime iha komunidade. Terseiru, komunidade sente seguru. Ikus liu, serbisu hirak ne’e hametin relasaun polisia ho komunidade no hametin konfiansa komunidade ba polisia. Ho atuasaun sira polisiamentu komunitaria no profesionalismu.


Ho ida ne’e FM rekomenda:

a. Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B ne’ebé ho nia kna’ar prinsipal ida nu’udar orgaun fiskalizador ba asaun sira Governu nian kontinua fiskaliza implementasaun polisiamentu iha Timor-Leste. Hodi dudu Governu investe iha polisiamentu komunitaria tanba serbisu ida ne’e lori ona benefisiu ba Komunidade.

b. Governu kontinua dezenvolve no suporta polisiamentu komunitaria iha asaun sira konkretu ne’ebé lori ona konfiansa komunidade nian ba polisia no komunidade sai na’in ba asaun sira siguransa.

c. Governu ho Komnadu Jeral PNTL kontinua facilidade, ekipamentu no eleva kapasidade polisiamentu nune’e iha atuasaun sira polisia nian ho profesionalismu.

d. Ministériu Interior, Ministériu Solidaridade Sosial, PNTL no Sosiedade Sivil presiza integra rekusu siguransa sira iha koordenasaun ida hodi sai forsa siguransa ida ne’ebé ho asaun ne’ebé koordenadu ba sebisu ne’ebé hanesan iha âmbitu prevensaun konflitu, krime no harii paz.

e. Komandu Jeral PNTL presiza dezenvolve mata-dalan serbisu ba KPK ho nia kuadru legal sira hodi hases risku sira ba KPK ho monitorizasaun ida ne’ebé efetivu mos.

f. Enkoraza públiku no komunidade sira kontinua partisipa ka involve iha asaun sira siguransa nian no kontinua hametin relasaun sira ne’ebé durante ne’e estabelese ona entre polisia ho komunidade.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 30 July 2015

Press Release

Implementation Policy of the Community Policing in Timor-Leste

Community policing has had a long history in Timor-Leste ever since its inception by the PNTL and has been constantly evolving and learning to fit the needs of Timor’s inhabitants while applying the lessons learnt from other countries. Community policing is the philosophy of the PNTL and its application does not focus only on units, departments or sections but on the entire perspective that the PNTL takes on law and order matters. However, different interpretations of community policing are still being raised by some members of the PNTL as well as a general misunderstanding that community policing is only run by the National Community Police Department (NCPD) as opposed to a departmental wide policy. This signifies that there is still not yet a good understanding of what community policing means to the PNTL within its members as dictated by the PNTL’s recently completed strategic plan.

The community policing is prioritized in the National Development Strategic Plan (NDSP) 2030, Internal security strategic plan of 2030. The PNTL strategic plan pattern of 2014-2018 adopts a HAKUAK [Hug] philosophy of community policing and adopts the VIP doctrine (Visibility, Involvement and Professionalism).

Therefore, the PNTL has developed an important resource within the community through the community policing service. Further to this the PNTL with assistance from the development partners have established the Council of National Directive (CND) at the national level which is comprised of staff from the Ministry for Security and the PNTL General Commander and advises on the policy and strategy of the community policing program.

In addition to the CND there is a further level of control in the Management Council for Program’s (MCP). This is composed of the chief of the national community police department with the assistance from its development partners, and is led by the PNTL second general commander.

At the municipalities level there is a Council of District Directive (CDD). The CDD’s is comprised of the municipality commander, municipality administrator, and other linked departments that administer all eleven of the municipalities.

The implementation of the strategic activity is conducted by a range of bodies and includes KPK (Community Policing Program), SV (Voluntary Security), OPE (Official School Police) and OPS (Official Suku Police); which were developed through the implementation of services in the communities themselves. KPK has been established in 10 villages from 11 municipalities, with a total of 110 villages taking part. SV has been established in 2 villages from Ermera and Viqueque municipalities. OPS has been placed in 410 villages from 12 municipalities including the Oe-cusse region; OPE has been established in 12 schools in the Dili municipality.

Despite this the difficult issue of implementing community policing still exists. The first issue that is faced is the legal basis for KPK and SV; second is the actual monitoring of KPK and SV; third are the conditions for POS in the village and includes the dwelling, transport, communication, and security facilities that exist for the Suku Police. It also includes cooperation between government and civil societies that work for the same issue from different institutions or organizations involved with the same people in the same village.

The key point that is most concerning is the sustainability of the implementation of community policing in Timor-Leste once development partners’ assistance has ended. FM believes that this is a good chance for the government of TL to continue to show its commitment to these programs and its dedication to HAKUAK principles. For this to happen the police first need to remain visible to residents and involve them to act for security and feel connected to the PNTL, second, The security services need to reduce the number of conflict and crimes, lastly, they need to ensure residents feel secure and strengthen the relationship between police and residents.


FM recommends to:

a. The National Parliament committee B to continue to supervise the implementation of the community policing in TL and for the government to invest more in Community Policing to benefit residents.

b. The government to continue developing and support the community policing in concrete actions that have brought residents’ confidence to police and residents have acted for security safety.

c. The government and the PNTL general commander to continue supporting facilities, equipment and support police to act more professionally.

d. The Interim Ministry, Ministry of Social Solidarity, PNTL and civil societies to act in a co-ordinated manner to act for conflict prevention, crimes and build peace.

e. The PNTL general commander needs to guide work for KPK with its legal framework in order to avoid risk to KPK with effective monitoring.

f. Encourage public to continue participating or to become involved with security actions and to strengthen the relationship between police and residents.

For more details on this issue please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184

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