Futuru Instalasaun Baze Naval FALINTIL-FDTL iha Hera: Análiza Impaktu Sosial, Ekonomiku, Ambiental no Militar

Futuru Instalasaun Baze Naval FALINTIL-FDTL iha Hera: Análiza Impaktu Sosial, Ekonomiku, Ambiental no Militar post thumbnail image

Foto FM 2013

Fundasaun Mahein, 27 Juñu 2013

Komunikadu Imprenza

Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nú. 04 (relatoriu kumpletu versaun Tetun) (versaun inglesh) halo analiza kona-bá Futuru Instalasaun Baze Naval FALINTIL-FDTL iha Hera: Análiza Impaktu Sosial, Ekonomiku, Ambiental no Militar; IV Governu Konstituisional hamosu polítika foun ho naran Planu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa – PDF, nu’udar polítika ida atu bele implementa planu importante sira husi Estudu 2020. Planu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa Governu sei hari’i Baze Sentral Naval nia iha Hera, baze apoiu sei monta iha Atauro, Oe-cusse, Palaka no Com.

Estudu ida ne’e foka ba “Futuru Instalasaun Baze Naval FALINTIL-FDTL iha Hera: Análiza Impaktu Sosial, Ekonomiku, Ambiental no Militar” verifika katak sei iha mos problema no dezafiu sira sei hakait hela ho futuru instalasaun Baze Naval FALINTIL-FDTL.

Problema sosial sira ne’ebé sei hakait hela maka hanesan, disputa rai, no oinsa polítika Governu nian atu realoka komunidade sira ne’ebé tama iha area Baze Naval nian, asuntu ida ne’e mosu prespetiva ne’ebé diferente entre komunidade ba realokasaun nian. Tentativa seluk mos area ida ne’e mos Univesidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e – UNTL dezeña ona sai nu’udar kampus UNTL nian ne’ebé destaka besik ho Baze Naval FALINTIL-FDTL nian. Implikasaun seluk ne’ebé husi estudu ida ne’e hare katak sei implika mos ba atividade Igreija no Kolejiu Padre no Madre sira ne’ebé preokupa tebes husi autoridade relijioja sira inklui problema seluk seluk ne’ebé komunidade sira kestiona hanesan rai kultural no ritual nian no sei implika mos ba movimentu komunidade nian.

Problema ekonomiku nian ne’ebé husi estudu Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian hare katak sei implika mos ba atividade peska nian ne’ebé komunidade peskador sira kestiona katak oinsa realoka sira ba fatin seluk ne’ebé labele preojudika ba sira nia atividade peska nian. Nune’e komunidade sira mos preokupa katak sira sei lakon rai potensia agrikola nian ne’ebé durante ne’e sira utiliza ba halo to’os, natar no sira plantasaun inklui lakon fatin hakiak animal nian.

Impaktu seluk ba Baze Naval ne’e rasik maka hanesan mota tun serku Baze Naval ne’ebé kada tinan fo impaktu maka’as ba Baze Komponente Naval nian, hanesan inundasaun. Asuntu seluk, maka hanesan tasi badak ba bebeik nu’udar konsekuensia husi inundasaun ne’ebé akontese tanba mota ne’ebé tun lalin taho no rai tama iha area Baze Naval nian. Buat hirak ne’e hotu nu’udar kauza fundamental maka foho lolon sira iha area Hera nian ke’e monu hotu husi kompañia sira.

Implikasaun seluk ne’ebé sei implika ba Baze Naval maka hanesan estrada nasional ne’ebé Baze Naval ne’e rasik destaka besik ho estrada nasional no movimentu trafiku sei maka’as liu tan iha area refere liga ba distritu sira iha parte leste nian. Nune’e mos FM hare katak instalasaun sentral eletresidade iha Hera besik ho Baze Naval ne’ebé FM konsidera katak ida ne’e risku tebes ba Baze Naval wainhira iha dezastre ruma, hanesan tanki sentral eletresidade nakfera no ahi bele hadaet to’o iha Baza Naval nu’udar fatin rai material sensetivu sira.

Kestaun seluk maka infra-estrutura Baze Naval nian no atividade militar sira rasik. Sai hanesan pergunta maka oinsa dezeñu no estudu viabilidade ba fatin ne’e rasik? Hera hanesan baze deit ka no portu iha ne’ebé? Oinsa kona-bá ezersisu militar nian iha Hera ka iha fatin seluk? Tanba presiza konsidera mos kona-bá ninia implikasaun ba komunidade sira husi atividade militar nian.


1. Rekomenda ba Governu atu halo revizaun ba Planu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa ne’ebé deside ona atu monta Baze Naval iha Hera. Husu Governu atu halo estudu iha aspetu Jeologia, sosial, ekonomia, kultural no seluk antes monta Baze Naval hodi labele hamosu fali problema seluk.

2. Rekomenda ba Governu atu halo estudu tekniku ambiental ida ne’ebé kle’an husi impaktu natureza ne’ebé sempre fo segementasaun ba Baze Naval rasik. FM husu atu públika rezultadu estudu ne’e ba públiku atu povu bele hatene no públiku fo hanoin.

3. Rekomenda ba Governu kria ekipa inter-ministerial hanesan Sekretariu Estadu Rai no Propriedade, MAP no SED hodi halo dialogu ho komunidade liu-liu ho rai na’in atu rezolve problema disputa rai iha area Baze Naval.

4. Rekomenda ba Governu atu valoriza fatin kultura sira hanesan bee matan lulik hat iha area Baze Naval hodi nune’e bele uza nu’udar kapital ida ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun iha futuru no konservasaun ba area turistiku.

5. Rekomenda ba Institutu Defeza Nasional (IDN) hodi halo estudu kona-bá Futuru Instalasaun Baze Naval Hera ne’ebé kave ba problema sira hanesan ekonomiku, sosial, kultural, ambiental no propriu ba baze militar rasik.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org
Email : nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Tlp +670 7737 422

Fundasaun Mahein, June, 27, 2013

Press Release

Future Installation of FALINTIL-FFDTL Navy Base in Hera: An Analysis of Social, Economic, Environmental, and Military Impacts

The IV Constitutional Government generated the Force Development Plan (Planu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa – PDF), a series of policies to implement important determinations from the “2020 Study” (Estudu 2020). Based upon the Force Development Plan, The Government will construct the Central Navy Base in Hera and support bases in Atauro, Oe-cusse, Palaka, and Com.

This study will focus on the “Future Installation of FALINTIL-FFDTL Navy Base in Hera: An Analysis of Social, Economic, Environmental, and Military Impacts.” Specifically, this report will verify that there are still problems and challenges associated with the future installation and construction of the FALINTIL-FFDTL Navy Base.

Social problems associated with the planned development include the ongoing land disputes with local community members and questions about the Government’s policy to relocate the people who currently live in the Navy Base area. Yet the relocation issue raised some different perspectives even among the local community. Furthermore, Hera has also been designated as a future campus location of the UNTL (National University of Timor-Leste), which will be located close to FALINTIL-FFDTL Navy Base. This study indicates that the proposed development will have an impact on religions activities of the Nuns and Priests of the nearby Church and Convent, which worries religious authorities. Relatedly, the development’s impact on the local community’s cultural and ritual land will have some implication for community activities.

Based on Fundasaun Mahein’s study, there will also be economic problems from the planned development. The local fisherman community raised concerns about the development’s implications for local fishing activities, particularly with relocation, and they hope these plans will not negatively impact their fishing activities. The local community is also concerned that they will lose their agricultural land, which they have been using to grow crops, plant rice, and support their livelihoods. These concerns incude losing the land that they currently use for animal husbandary.

The other issue with the Hera location of the Navy Base is the existence of a river that flows around the Navy Base. Every year, this river causes flooding around that area. The river and floods bring mud and soil to the bay of the Navy Base. The problem is made worse by the dredging activities in the nearby Hera hills by an industrial contractor.

The existence of a national road adjacent to the Navy Base, and the plans to further develop this road into a national highway, may have implications for the Navy Base. The movement of traffic could be crowded in this area, which connects Dili the eastern districts of Timor-Leste. FM also noted the installation of Hera Power Plant Center adjacent to the Navy Base. FM is concerned that the power plant is very risky for the Navy Base in case of an accident. For example, if a tank explosion occurred in the Central Power Plant, the fire could spread to the Navy Base which serves as a storage area for sensitive equipment.

Finally, other issues concern the Navy Base itself – specifically the infrastructure of the Navy Base and its inevitable military activities. There must be further questions asked and answered: How should the site and construction be designed? Whould a feasibility study of the site be conducted? What is the ultimate purpose of Hera, and will Hera only serve as a base? Will Military Training be conducted in Hera or elsewhere (because it is also necessary to consider the impact on the community as a result of the military activities)? And ultimately, where should a permanent Naval Base be located?


1. Recommendation to the Government to revise the Force Development Plan that has decided to set up a permanent Navy Base at Hera. Additionally, FM requests that the Government conduct an in-depth study of the impact of such a base on aspects of local geology, society, economy, culture – among others – before beginning construction of the Navy Base, so it does not cause additional problems.

2. Recommendation to the Government to conduct an in-depth study of the natural effects that cause deterioration to the Navy Base itself. FM asks the Government to publish the results of this study so the public can understand, and then give feedback to the Government.

3. Recommendation to the Government to establish an inter-ministerial team consisting of Secretary of State for Land and Property, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Secretariat of State for Defense to conduct a dialogue with the public about the planned Navy Base development at Hera, with particular attention to the opinions of the landlords in the Navy Base area to resolve land conflicts.

4. Recommendation to the Government to appreciate the cultural sites such as the four sacred springs in the Navy Base location so that such sites can be used as capital for the country in future conservation, tourism, and culture development.

5. Recommendation to the National Defense Institute to conduct a study on the future instalation of Navy Base, dealing with issues of economic, social, cultural, and environmental significance, to determine precisely the role of the Military Base itself.

For more information please contact:
Nélson Belo
Director Fundasaun Mahein
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org
Email : nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Tlf. : +(670) 7737 422

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