Incidents That Occurred in the 2012 Period and Their Impact on National Security

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Fundasaun Mahein, 25 January 2013

Press Release

Incidents That Occurred in the 2012 Period and Their Impact on National Security

Mahein’s Voice No 44 describes the major incidents that occurred in 2012 as consequences of political, social, economic, and cultural problems, as well as their implications for national security. The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) have registered a total of 3736 such incidents from across Timor-Leste.

Some incidents were related to political processes in Timor-Leste, especially during the general elections, became public disturbances. These incidents shook the national stability.

This process resulted in an unrecognized group attempting to throw explosive devices into the offices of STAE and CNE. Incidents occurring in other places resulted in injury, death, and property damage.

It seemed other incidents were caused by problems of land and property. These incidents also resulted in injury, death, and property damage. These incidents were the consequences of blurry definitions regarding land and property ownership. Moreover, there has been a delay in the National Parliament to issue the law pertaining to land and property ownership that has been under discussion since 2012.

Other incidents were related to the youth gangs, namely the martial arts groups. On 22 December 2011, the Council of Ministers issued a resolution to halt martial arts activities. However, martial arts are still connected to social troubles in Dili and Liquica.

Some incidents resulted from the attacks by the unidentified group “Ninja”. On 23 February 2012, in the hamlet of Konsin, Village Fatisi, subdistrict Laulara, district Aileu, a man disguised himself as a “Ninja” and assaulted a woman and her child as they returned from the market. This also happened in Same, Manufahi, when a man brutally assaulted an old man and wounded his forehead.

It is reported that other incidents were caused by alcoholic beverages. Heated arguments after drinking resulted in serious harm. These incidents often had complex motives related to the problems of family, culture, romance, money loans, etc., which could not be solve at the time that alcohol became involved in the situation.

Domestic violence is a widespread and complex societal problem in Timor-Leste. Although it is considered as public crime according to the law No 7/2010, domestic violence is complex in that some people do not regard it as criminal violence in the cultural norms adopted by most families in Timor-Leste.

Another type of incident related to public security – traffic security – counted a total 1913 street accidents in the 13 districts of Timor-Leste. A report from the Transit and Traffic Security Department (of the PNTL) listed 76 deaths, 383 serious injuries, and 1.381 light injuries. The causes for these incidents were attributed 90% to human error, 5% to vehicle error, and 5% to road factors.

From the incidents that occurred in 2012, Fundasaun Mahein considers it a necessary measure to establish an integrated conflict prevention approach to preserve peace and stability in 2013. Fundasaun Mahein also considers 2013 as the year of transition to Timor-Leste in the aftermath of the UN exit and a test of national security.

Therefore, Fundasaun Mahein Recommends:

1. To the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste: to find an integrated solution to the problems caused by political, social, economic, martial arts, and domestic violence, that provoke instability for Timor-Leste.

2. To the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL): to strengthen the approach of community police in society to uphold the rule of law and order, including making decisions according to the law while being mindful of cultural values. Because these incidents happen according to different cultures and contexts from district to district and family to family.

3. To the National Parliament of Timor-Leste: to discuss and approve the law pertaining to land ownership, which now sitting on the table of Parliament, immediately.

4. To the Secretary of State for Security: to create better conditions for the PNTL, especially their Transit and Traffic Security Department, so that they can control the traffic in all parts of Timor-Leste.

More Information please contact :

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
E-mail :
Tlp : +670 7737 4222

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