Operasaun Konjuntu: Sai Hanesan Pratika Aat Iha Setor Siguransa

Operasaun Konjuntu: Sai Hanesan Pratika Aat Iha Setor Siguransa post thumbnail image
Foto: PNTL 2015

Foto: PNTL 2015

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 24 Marsu 2015

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 99 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf) (English Version.pdf)halo analiza kona-bá Operasaun Konjunta sai hanesan pratika aat iha setor siguransa. Depois Timor-Leste ukun-an, lansa tiha ona operasaun konjuntu ba dala-neen hamutuk ho operasaun HANITA. Ne’e sai ona toman politika agresiva ne’ebé aplika ba akontesementu hasoru lala’ok sira ne’ebé mak halo perturbasaun ba lei no ba siguransa nasional. Operasaun dala-lima to’o mai dadaun ne’e, iha ninia mandatu rasik interesante liu Operasaun HANITA dadaun ne’e la’o hahu iha tempu ida ne’ebé maka lideransa ne’ebé kaer setor siguransa iha jerasaun foun nia liman. Operasaun HANITA hanesan ezame ba lideransa jerasaun foun atu atua.

Iha loron 11 fulan Marsu tinan 2015 Konsellu Ministru pasa tiha ona Rezolusaun ida hodi atua grupu ilegais nia aktu ne’ebé akontese iha loron 8 fulan Marsu tinan 2015 indika hanesan krime organizadu ho nia objetivu kria instabilidade ba Nasaun. Rezolusaun N.o 11/2015, 11 de Março ne’ebé Konsellu Ministru hasai nia misaun atu prevene no reprimir aktu kiminozu grupu ilegais nian. Impoin ba Governu no adopta medida atuasaun konjunta forsa defeza no siguransa tuir Lei N.o 2/2010, Lei Siguransa Nasional n.o 3) artigu 36 nia haruka.

Iha loron 21 fulan Marsu tinan 2015 lansa ona operasaun konjuntu forsa seguransa no forsa defeza hodi atua grupu kriminozu sira. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) suporta maka’as operasaun ne’e hodi hametin lei no restaura hikas orden públiku. Nune’e operasaun ida ne’e nesesariu tebes hodi atua kualker asaun ne’ebé provoka no perturbe orden públika. Maske nune’e, operasaun tenki la’o tuir natureza operasaun nian nu’udar hatur iha lei siguransa nasional, regra empeñamentu no la prejudika ba normalidade bázika no direitu fundamental sira konstitusional nian.

Iha lidun ida ne’e, operasaun mos sai ona toman agresiva polítika setor siguransa Timor-Leste nia. Siginifika katak ita investe maka’as iha funu la’os investe maka’as iha harii paz no setor justisa. Tan buat kiik ka boot rezolve ho operasaun.

Tanba ne’e, Timor-Leste tenki formula ona politika siguransa nasional ida hodi hatan ba ameasa sira ohin loron hasoru. Nu’udar kazu konkretu iha situasaun sira atual, akontese deit maka operasaun konjunta forsa siguransa no forsa defeza ba situasaun ruma. Maske Lei Siguransa Nasional difine klaru ona kona-bá Sistema Integradu Siguransa Nasional (SISN) no involve autoridade barak hodi forma SISN.


1. Uza forsa ho nesesariu no tuir lei uza forsa nian

2. Komprimentu ba regra empeñementu operasaun nian

3. Operasaun ne’e tenki hato’o Prezidenti Repúblika kada semana iha nia kualidade nu’udar Komandante Supremu Forsa Armada.

4. Relatoriu operasaun tenki hato’o ba Parlamentu Nasional iha ambitu situasaun siguransa no orsamentu ba operasaun ne’e rasik.

5. Progresu operasaun presiza hato’o ba públiku liu husi media nasional sira kona-bá situasaun siguransa durante operasaun.

6. Rekomenda ba públiku tomak atu sai mahein diak ba operasaun ne’e no hato’o keixa ba Komandu Operasaun Konjunta no autoridade judisiariu sira kona-bá violasaun sira ba lei, regra empeñamentu no prinsipiu fundamental sira konstitusional nian.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 24 March 2015

Press Release

The Joint Operation: A Bad Practice for the Security Sector

Timor-Leste recently launched the HANITA Operation, the sixth conjoint operation since independence. This practice has become a bad habit of political aggression, used in response to any incident threatening national security. The past five operations all possessed their own-mandates. This new HANITA initiative is led by the rising generation of young leaders within the security sector. The HANITA Operation presents a predicament that these young leaders must solve.

On 11th March 2015, the Council Ministry approved a resolution in response to the actions of illegal groups that took place on March 8th, 2015. These groups have been accused of involvement in organized crime, set in motion to instigate unrest in Timor-Leste. Resolution No.11/2015, issued by the Council Ministry, is designed to prevent and repress the actions of these criminal groups. The government holds the right to organize cooperative missions between the defense and security forces, according to Law No. 2/2010, National Security Law No. 3: Article 36.

On 21st March 2015, the government launched the team of defense and security forces to address the criminal groups. Fundasaun Mahein expresses its strong support for this operation as a means of strengthening law and order within this nation. This operation is the appropriate response to any provocation or aggravation of the public order. However, the operation should follow the protocol established by national security law, and performance law, as well as the fundamental rights protected by the Constitution.

Throughout this country’s history, conjoint operations have become politically aggressive in nature. This seems to signify that we are strongly investing in war rather than peace. Also neglected is the importance of the justice sector, as evidenced by the prevalence of conjoint operations in solving all matters, big and small.

As such, Timor-Leste should establish a national security policy that responds appropriately to today’s threats. This means not relying upon conjoint operations of security and defense forces to solve every situation. National security law, as it currently stands, establishes clear boundaries, which are enforced by the Integrated National Security System (NSIS).


1. Use force as necessary and in coordination with security laws

2. Obey the laws governing operations

3. Updates on Operation HANITA should be presented to the President of the Republic every week as the Supreme Commander of Army Forces

4. Reports regarding the operation should be presented to the National Parliament, outlining the security situation and finances

5. The public should be informed about the operation and the security situation by the national media

6. The public should act as facilitators of the operation and present cases of misconduct, poor discipline, and constitutional infraction to the commander of the conjoint operation and the relevant judicial authorities.

For more details on this issue, please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Phone (+670) 78316075 or (+670) 77561184

12 thoughts on “Operasaun Konjuntu: Sai Hanesan Pratika Aat Iha Setor Siguransa”

  1. Oprasaun konjuntu nb forsa 2 halo, ffdtl ho pntl, saida mk ninia vantajen ho desvantajen? Favor responde lai?

  2. Hakerek hotu operasaun premeiro too operasaun hanita husi ninia vantajen no devantajen, depois rekomenda ba governo idanebe mk persija hametin no hases?

    Tamba saida mk ita dehan operasaun ne toman aat ida?

    Forsa 2 hamutuk ho objetivu ida deit, kontra kriminoju ne ladiak?

    Se o dehan forsa 2 la profesional, iha rajaun ruma?
    Se forsa rua la hamutuk polisi deit mk ba atua problma krm ho cpdrtl, ninia desvantajen ho vantajen saida?
    Menurut ita nia konyesimento tmba saida forsa 2 ne halo konjutu, iha motivu politik ruma, ??
    , ,
    Imajina, durante ukuan an grupu ida lakoi servsu hamutuk ho guverno, depois iha farda mento, prepara n prepara too atina 10 , fada militar, depois setelh iha masa nia asalta polisi iha lalulai, polisi granada, ih bagia uma kareta emma sunuh

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